Writers aren't exactly people, they're a lot of people trying to be one person. F.Scott Fitzgerald

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Once again I lament at my lack of computer skills.

      I decide to enter the Wallflower contest to get feedback on one of my completed manuscripts. I can attach a file,make a new document and have a shortcut on my desktop, and I can copy and paste, use spell check and double space a document. I've learned (with help from my computer savvy son-in-law Josh and my daughter Mali) how to do theses things. I cannot figure out how to make my manuscript in RTF format. What the hell is an RTF format anyway and why does my entry need to be in that format?
     While I am ranting I have a bone,actually an entire skeleton, to pick at the tutorials. I don't speak GEEK! I even bought a manual for dummies. Obviously I don't even qualify for dummy status.Oh well,I think I'll just stop here and change the look of my desktop again.
      I miss my old Apple computer. We understood each other,and I could navigate around it's programs fairly easily. My new Dell laptop is a muscle computer and obviously too macho for me.Oh,he's friendly enough,but on more than one occasion,I have heard him laughing at me.Maybe,I'll hire someone to come in and write down everything I need to know and  do in easy to read instructions customized just for me. A sort of personalized computer handbook.
     My four year old granddaughter will be up from her nap soon.She can show me how to get my mouse to work again.

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